Ready to nerd out for a few? Cool – let’s go.
The prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, insula, mirror neuron systems, and the amygdala, among other things, are all involved in our capacity to recognize, understand and empathize with other’s emotions, pick up on social and somatic signals, and facilitate social connection.
Why is it beneficial to care about this when you’re improvising with others?
Beeeeeecaaaause! Collaborative Vocal Improvisation offers a world of opportunities for relational attunement. My ability to sense what is happening with a dyad partner or group requires me to pay attention, listen, and attune so that I can respond in a way that is consonant. I mean relationally as well as musically.
For vocal improvisers, dynamics are an essential tool that adds depth, emotion, and interest to their performances. The ability to vary loudness and intensity not only enhances the expressiveness of the voice but also helps in creating a more engaging and memorable improvisation. By mastering the art of dynamic variation, you can add emotional depth, create dramatic contrasts, and engage in a musical dialogue that is rich and nourishing.
Dynamics in music can range from volume, emotional expression, rhythm changes, to silence and much more. Ready to join us?
Get thee to September’s Sound Nourishment CVI class deep divers!
Here’s what Alison Luterman had to say after class last time “Renée – this class is medicine”. How touching. The law of reciprocity is such that I also receive medicine from the experience.
Looking forward to jamming with you sooooon!